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Maika did her first youtube covers back in 2008 but actively joined the CB community only 1 year ago. She has a lot of singing experience and organized almost every CB team she's been in. It's her first time hosting a CB.

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Host, story judge
(Aka. M1Y4)

Irene has been part of the community since 2017, she has a lot of experience on organizing choruses and CB groups and has participated as a staff member on a CB but this is his first time hosting a cb.

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Phin has been in the community doing animations since February, it's her first time participating in the organization of a CB and she is glad to be there. Since she's a newbie, she hopes to gain experience by helping out.

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Management&video Staff

Karii collaborates as an artist in the CB. She started taking art more seriously two years ago and started participating in different activities with different artists.

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Art Staff

Staona has been in the community since 2016 but joined the CB about 3 years ago as an artist and vocalist. She hopes she does her best as a staff member. Staona wishes everyone good luck and wishes to the participants to make sure to have fun.

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Art Staff

Acchan has been in the community for over 9 years, but she started to actively participate in 2016 as a vocalist and artist. Her first time in a CB was in 2018, when she decided to see how teamwork was. She hopes to do her best as a staff member and wishes to all the participants good luck.

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Management Staff

Mido started participating as an artist in the CB community a year ago. She has never helped organize a CB before, so this is her first time. She hopes everyone will have fun participating in this CB and wishes everyone good luck.

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Art Staff
Yeon Dumock

Yeon Dumock has been part of the community since 2015. She has been singing for over 5 years already and has been animating for 7 months. It is her first time judging for a CB. She will do her best as a NBCB judge.

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Vocal judge

GINOZA has been singing in the youtaite community for about 3 years. They’ve never judged for a CB before, but have participated in a decent amount, so they’re hoping to do as well as they possibly can for all of the hardworking teams.

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Vocal&story judge

Rye has only been doing CBs since 2018, but he has already done way too many. He has been animating for 1 year and hopes to do his best as a judge for NBCB.

Animation judge

Hide has been part of the community since 2012. They have been doing art for over 9 years already and have been animating for a year. It is their first time judging for a CB.

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Animation&art judge

SuKi says art is their life. They've never judged before, so this their first time participating.

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Art judge

Juudenki has been into mixing for 5 years and she will do her best judging for this one. She is looking forward to the watch party.

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Mix judge

Nos has been doing audio engineering for about 6 years and counting. This is her first time judging for a CB and she is looking forward to all the amazing entries

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Mix judge
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