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Audio ( 40% / 70 points )

VOCAL (30 pts) : 

  1. Execution : Prononciation, Enunciation, Blending (10 pts)

  2. Stylization/Creativity : Adlibs, Harmony, Emotions (10 pts)

  3. Technique : Breathing, Pitch, Control (10 pts)


MIXING (30 pts) :

  1. EQ, Quality (10 pts)

  2. Tuning, Timing (10 pts)

  3. Dynamic, Volume, Effect (10 pts)


QUALITY (10 pts) :

  1. Overall (10 pts)

Visual ( 40% / 70 points )

ART (30 pts) :

  1. Style, Creativity  (10 pts)

  2. Composition, Dynamic (10 pts)

  3. Consistency, Polish (10 pts)


ANIMATION (30 pts) :

  1. Composition, Appeal (12 pts)

  2. Technique, Effect (12 pts)

QUALITY (6 pts)

  1. Overall (10 pts)

General ( 20% / 35 points )

STORY (25 pts) :

  1. Originality and consistency with story  (10 pts)

  2. General appeal and scenario (10 pts)

  3. Visual presentation and writing style (5 pts)


OTHER (5 pts) :

  1. Song choice (5 pts)

  2. Script (5 pts)

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