NBCB is a full length song Chorus Battle. However, we decided to reduce a little bit the minimum time of the song to accommodate participants. The length of your song has to be between 2:30 and 5:00. If your song is shorter than 2:30, you will have a penalty of 1 point for each second below minimum time length on your total score. If your song is longer than 5:00, the segment exceeding it won’t be judged in any way (vocal, mix, animation and story).
Your entry must follow the following format: 【NBCB-R1】Song name 【Group name】
In the description, you must include:
Theme interpretation
Credits to original song and artist
Team credits (vocals, mix, art, video, story, other)
Script (main and harmonies)
Alternative link
Art folder
Assets credit document (if any)
English translation to the song
Your group must have a Leader, they will be the one communicating with NBCB’s staff. Group names must be PG-13.
Minimum of members : 3
Maximum of members : 10
Minimum of vocalists : 3
Maximum of vocalists : 7
ANON group/members are accepted, but you must DM us their information as we are making sure no one is joining 2 teams.